Foot pain is both a debilitating and frustrating experience. When our feet are out of action, it limits our life style, drains our mental well-being, stops us from participating in our sports and hobbies.
When you are experiencing foot pain it is important that you have a consult with a podiatrist to diagnose and compose a treatment plan to manage the problem. There are many reasons why you could be experiencing foot pain, these can include (but not limited to)any of the following:
- Heel pain (plantar fasciosis)
- Metatarsalgia
- Achilles tendonosis
- Bunions
- Accessory bones
- Flattened arches
- Excessively high arches
- Stress fractures
- Shin splints
- Diabetic foot
- Foot ulcers
- Bursitis
- Nerve damage and impingement
- Hammer toes, claw toes
and the list goes on………………………
Our podiatrists are well placed to firstly diagnose and then explain your condition in a language that you can understand and finally manage the condition. The management that you require will be varied depending on the condition, some of these managements may include:
- Exercise modification
- Off the shelf orthoses
- Footwear assessment and recommendations
- Dry needling
- Manipulations
- Callus and wound debridement
- Customised foot orthoses
- Referral for imaging and specialist intervention
- Offloading for a period of time
So before you hit up “Dr Google” or buy any alluring cures please make the time to have your feet assessed. Your feet deserve a proper assessment and let us get you back to doing what you love.
To book your very own assessment, click the button above.
NOTE: If you are a first time client, please select “Initial Appointment”
We look forward to seeing you soon.